IRePSE - Lille
Fed 4129

A new database of experts on environmental issues

A new database of experts on environmental issues has been launched recently by the 3i University network (Interregional Internationalisation Initiative)

​ Photo by Samuel-Elias Nadler on Unsplash

A new database of experts on environmental issues has been launched recently by the 3i University network (, which also includes the University of Lille; it may be viewed online at It lists identified experts by university and their key areas of expertise. The objective is to provide potential partners from the public and private sectors with an effective tool of connecting them to experts, in order to cooperate on initiatives related to sustainable development. The project to create the database was funded through a call for cross-border collaboration launched by the Straits Committee ( The database will be updated as more experts are identified. If you belong to one of the partner universities of the 3i network and you wish to be added to the database, please use the "Contact us" link on the database homepage to make a request.