IRePSE - Lille
Fed 4129


The Institute on Environmentl Sciences IRePSE (Institut de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires en Sciences de l’Environnement) is a Research Federation (a cluster of Laboratories or Research Departments) of the University of Lille founded in 2010 in order to increase the visibility of Lille research.

Today, in 2021, IRePSE has 348 people including 156 teacher-researchers, 32 CNRS and INSERM researchers as well as 8 hospital practitioners, members of 8 labeled research units representing 5 CNRS Institutes (INC , INEE, INP INSIS, INSU). That's more than 250 scientific references published each year. There are also five very high-level shared labeled platforms: Serres CEC (cultures and experimental land), ATOLL (ATmospheric Observation at LiLLe), UMS ICARE (data center and services - atmosphere), MéOL (Optical Metrology of Lille) and CERLA (Center for Studies and Research in Lasers and Applications).